What is blended family literature?

Welcome to Blended Families.

This website aims to introduce the concept of blended family literature and provide a gateway to recommended books within the genre.  

Blended family literature consists of any book which includes families which have developed outside the norm of the traditional nuclear family of one male and female biological parent.  Blended families can be created through events like divorce or the death of one or both parents.

Whenever possible, this website has attempted to adopt an inclusive attitude to the types of families represented in our review. This has meant that books which deal with groups not traditionally recognised, like families created by same-sex attracted parents, or families which have been ‘blended’ due to adoption have been actively sought.

While striving to include other groups, such as transgendered and intersex parents, no children’s books were available which incorporated these groups.


This website has been developed as part of LIBR 5013 at the University of South Australia by:

Ben Cove

Brett Ross

Jenny Chiu