Typical Plot Structure


The core genre of blended family literature is the that of divorce. Works within this genre depict parents who separate, often before entering a new relationship. Typically, at least one partner will form a relationship with another, imposing a stepparent on the protagonist. Plot features indicative of this type of divorce based book involve the protagonist becoming upset with changes to their residence, impositions to their personal space and mixed loyalties to absent parents. Also common within these type of books is the depiction of a protagonist who initially resents a step sibling, undergoes a process of negotiation and ultimately learns to value this new family member.

Where a stepparent does not move in, the book will typically depict a child who resides in two separate homes. In this case, plot typically revolves around the child moving back and forth between homes, negotiating and overcoming any obstacles which this arrangement creates. Typically, obstacles include the need for multiple copies of possessions, as well as the potential to lose friends due to the constant moving.

In both cases, the protagonist is usually shown surmounting the obstacles imposed and by the end of the book is depicted as emotionally secure and content with their life.

Same-sex, Intersex and Trans Families

This genre of book deals with families who do not have two parents who identify as opposite genders and are male and female. Especially in books for young children, the plot tends to focus heavily on the repeated depiction of everyday activities in order to suggest the normality of this type of relationship. Scenes, such as going to the beach, cooking dinner and being taken to school are common in this genre. Typically, the protagonist does not experience any difficulties but rather succeeds in each task which they undertake.

Adopted Children

This genre shares many plot similarities with same-sex, intersex and trans family literature as the plot often involves the protagonist undertaking a range of typical family activities in order to emphasise the normality of the situation.

Adoption is the creation of a new, permanent relationship between an adoptive parent and a child. This sub-genre links closely with other sub-genres in this category as the adoptive parent can come from a range of different backgrounds including; single parent families, grandparents as the adoptive parents, aunties or uncles or foster parents, same-sex, intersex, transgendered families, as well as step heterosexual relationships. Once the adoption is finalised, there is no legal difference between a child who is adopted and a child who is born into a family.

As every adoption and family is different, literature has been chosen to reflect the vast differences in each adoption case. The stories highlight the uniqueness of each case, however; the plot often involves the protagonist undertaking a range of activities that allows the child and the family members to feel a sense of normalcy.

It is not always an easy task for children to find out that they are adopted, and it is also quite difficult for parents with adoptive children; to witness them become more curious of where their biological parents are from as they grow older. These stories are created for families to relate to; and to answer any questions and issues that may be difficult to discuss. These stories are created not only for the reader and his or her family, it also provides other readers an insight of the positive and loving nature that these families can bring to children’s; as well as the adoptive parent’s lives.